Marilyn Monroe - a woman who made herself
There is no person who does not know who Marilyn Monroe is. A symbol of beauty and femininity in the 1950s. She brought her appearance to impeccability, came up with her signature smile and gait. Some say that she waggled her hips due to the congenital disproportion of her legs, others that she filed her heels. Over the years, beauty standards have changed, but Marilyn Monroe still remains the most stellar blonde of the 50s.

Norma Jean Mortenson (real name of the star) went through a difficult childhood. She did not know her father, and her mother was deprived of parental rights due to problems with drinking, and the girl wandered around foster families all her childhood. Norma Jean married for the first time at the age of sixteen. However, the girl did not live up to Jim's hopes. She decided to become a fashion model and subsequently starred in swimwear commercials. However, her husband was against this and stated that she should be either a fashion model or his wife. After a while, he left.

Norma went to pursue her next dream - to become a film actress. The director of the agency where the blonde worked led her to the film studio «XX century. - Fox". There, they signed a contract with Norma and offered her new names: Claire Norman, Carol Lind and Marilyn Miller, but settled on Marilyn Monroe. Such big film companies sign hundreds of contracts, and they don't always get jobs. In anticipation of the role, Marilyn fell into despair, but decided not to give up. Four years after signing the contract, she landed her first job. Marilyn's debut film was - "The Dangerous Years" in 1947. Later, she played in a number of films, but the real glory was brought to her by "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", "How to Marry a Millionaire" and other films.

In 1953, Marilyn Monroe reached the peak of her popularity and appeared on the cover of the first issue of Playboy magazine. The young star seemed flawless. She was adored and hated. To look like her, women dyed their hair blonde and wore red lipstick.

In 1954, she married baseball player Joe DiMaggio. It was a short marriage. It lasted less than a year, but the baseball player maintained friendly relations with Marilyn throughout her life. Dramatic was the marriage to the writer Arthur Miller. The actress thought that if Arthur is a writer, then he is like a psychologist, he will understand her emotional experiences, help and support. But everything turned out the other way around and they parted ways. After the divorce, Marilyn Monroe falls into depression and ends up in a mental hospital as a result. The actress died at the age of 36. The cause of death is still unknown. The actress was buried in a green dress in which she traveled to Mexico that year. By order of Joe di Maggio, flowers were brought to the grave of the actress every week for 20 years.