How to choose the color of clothes

Have you noticed that sometimes one color suits you better than another? That some shades give freshness to your skin and shine to your eyes, while others make you gray? We reveal the secret - it's all about the right color scheme. There are a number of parameters that suit certain colors of clothing. Now we will talk about the most basic ones. 

First of all, learn how to choose clothes according to your skin tone. It is the subtone, not the tone, because the first is the color that is under the skin and cannot change depending on various factors - sunbathing, etc. There are two main subtones - warm and cold. Determining which one you have is not difficult: people with a cold undertone have skin that is pink, red or bluish. In the sun, it looks bluish and silver jewelry is more suitable for this type of skin than gold. Those who have skin of a yellowish, golden or peach hue have a warm skin tone. In the sun, it appears yellowish. Girls who own the last skin tone will suit clothes in yellow, brown and beige shades, and with a cold one, purple, pink and green should be preferred.

Hair color is also considered an important factor when choosing the color of clothing. Did you pay attention to the fact that one color of clothing suits redheads, and a completely different one for blondes? as for brunettes, such girls with fair skin need to look at soft pastel shades of clothes. Dark-skinned brunettes will suit bright and deep colors. Red-haired girls are the most expressive and all shades of green are perfect for them: emerald green, khaki, etc.

Blondes with golden hair color should prefer purple, turquoise and blue clothes. It is better to refuse yellow, unless, of course, you want to merge with clothes. Almost all shades are suitable for platinum blondes. It is only important to remember that clothing should be in contrast with your hair color. Although, sometimes, a skillfully matched outfit in gray will look no less stylish than other colors.

If you can't figure out how to choose clothes based on your skin color and hair color, then look at the stars, because this is a great example. 
