Lean excursion to Garne production

On November 15, 2023, Garne conducted a Lean excursion for representatives of clothing enterprises from all over Ukraine. The excursion was made possible thanks to the Smart People business school and the support of the USAID program "Competitive Economy of Ukraine". 
During the tour, participants saw how Garne implements lean manufacturing principles to improve production efficiency and productivity by eliminating waste.
The excursion began with a presentation from the founder of the brand Oksana Kharkina, during which participants learned about the history of Garne, its mission and values. After the presentation, the participants visited the company’s production workshop, where they saw how Lean principles are implemented in practice. For example, how a company uses Lean tools such as 5S, KANBAN. 
5S is a system that aims to streamline and streamline the work environment. KANBAN is a system that is used to manage the flow of materials and information.    
Garne plans to continue to implement Lean principles, because it is an effective tool that can help enterprises increase their competitiveness. 
We hope that our experience will be useful to other Ukrainian enterprises.
