
Within the framework of the USAID project "Economic Support for Ukraine" at the National University "Ostroh Academy" Hackathon Digital Wear 2023 - Rivne, organized by KTS, Rivne It Cluster, National University "Ostroh Academy" and the Light Industry Association. About 100 participants gathered, including 10 teams of students from Rivne, Lutsk and Zhytomyr. The event contributed to new ideas, acquaintances and collaborations.

4 winning teams have been selected to work on their digital clothing projects over the next 3 months. Thanks to this event, I am increasingly involved in the field of education. It was a great pleasure to meet the rector of the Ostroh Academy, Igor Pasechnik, to feel his incredible energy and wisdom.

Many thanks to Olga Stepanchenko, USAID Economic Support to Ukraine Project and to everyone who helped organize this event.
