Plus size is not a sentence
In the fashion world, everything is very strict - if a girl's hips are larger than 89 centimeters, this is no longer the standard. Clothes are sewn according to the same measurements, like on a mannequin. But there is another category of models - plus size. Such girls are moderately curvaceous and in ordinary life outside the camera they are able to deftly emphasize their advantages and hide their flaws. One of the famous plus size models is Candice Huffine. You can learn a lot about style from this girl. Candice skillfully selects outfits for her body type and even wears skinny pants and short dresses!

When you think about it, there are a lot of plus size Hollywood stars out there. What are Monica Bellucci, Eva Mendes and the unique Marilyn Monroe! And the latter, by the way, the owner of the 52nd clothing size, was very fond of revealing outfits. At the birthday party of US President John F. Kennedy, the blonde shocked the entire audience by appearing in a transparent dress with Swarovski crystals. Later, in the 60s, when thin and long models appeared, a cult of thin people arose. The girls chased the fashion trend, changing one diet to another and as a result said goodbye to their health.

If you are a proud owner of large clothes and still do not like your figure - we will help you look at yourself from a different perspective. Then buying clothes XL = will not be a torture for you, but a pleasure. There are several tips to follow. For example, clothes of the wrong size. Do you think that buying a blouse twice your size will hide the flaws? On the contrary, it will hide you completely and without a trace. You will be like a formless thing. Buy clothes in your size to show off your features. Also a big mistake is the abundance of black. Play with the color palette, choose the color that will give freshness to your face.

Do not wear low-rise trousers. Not only are they terribly uncomfortable for curvy ladies, but they will also give your waist the shape of a swimming circle. A medium fit would be the best option. Choose clothes without an abundance of prints - the pattern visually makes the growth lower. Let only one part of the outfit be printed - top or bottom. And the last - buy clothes in online stores. In the open spaces of the network there is now a large selection of such clothes, taking into account the latest fashion trends. Love yourself and be beautiful!