How to organize your closet

Probably almost every girl has a problem with proper wardrobe organization . When we are going somewhere, especially in a hurry, we begin to maneuver and run around the apartment in order to aim a marathon and pick up an outfit. And the clothes, in turn, fly around the closet, changing their location and order. How to unload the closet from unnecessary things and organize the space so that there is enough space for everything - we will figure it out now. 

First, get rid of the things you don't need. By such things, I mean clothes that you bought, but wore once or not at all. Most often, these are things that you bought at grand sales (shopaholics have an instinct "if it's cheap - you have to take it"), or things bought because "everyone has it, but I don't have it yet - must be taken." As a result, most of these clothes gather dust in your closet and take up space. Also get rid of old-fashioned things that you have been lying around for more than one year, but it is already embarrassing to wear this on people. There is also a category of things that you wear only at home and only for yourself - ruffled pants from old pajamas, shabby sweaters and sweaters. Believe me, home clothes can affect your mood. If you walk around in old shabby clothes, then you are guaranteed the role of a pensioner. 

Get rid of clothes that don't fit you anymore - too big or too small. From things that need repair for a long time - if you forgot about them, then you are unlikely to take care of them. You can sell unnecessary things at flea markets or special sites, give them to friends, relatives or hide your children - sooner or later everything returns to fashion. What to do with the remaining things in the closet if there is still a mess? Buy yourself thin hangers, they will save a lot of space in the closet. But jackets and jackets should be hung on wide hangers, otherwise the clothes will be deformed. The same applies to outerwear, it’s not a fact that it is deformed, but will a thin hanger withstand heavy weight? Keep knitted items on shelves, because they can stretch on hangers. Divide the clothes according to the seasons - if it's winter outside, then hide the summer clothes and vice versa. 

It is best to lay out things according to their intended purpose: separately for home, for sports, for the street. Put linen, ties and other trifles near a drawer or chest of drawers. For more space zoning, you can use special organizers for linen, bags and shoes. There are a lot of these on the Internet. 

Say goodbye to unnecessary things, properly distribute the space in the closet and you will never have problems with the order in the wardrobe!< /span>

Author: Bandylyuk Inna
