Gia Karanji: everyone saw beauty, but no one saw pain
The life of this girl was short, but very eventful. She brought brunettes into fashion when blue-eyed blondes were popular, turned the fashion world upside down with her charisma, rebellious character and angelic face. She managed to become one of the first super-models in the world and she did not consider herself beautiful. This was Gia Karanji.

The girl was born in a family of Irish and Italian blood. This mixture resulted in an extremely beautiful and colorful appearance. The girl's parents separated when she was 11 years old and even then loneliness "clung" to her. to it and became an integral part of life. The girl worked part-time in a bistro, and her mother always dreamed that she would become a model. Mother's dream came true. Gia was noticed in one of the nightclubs in Philadelphia and subsequently she moved to New York - a big city of perspective.

Childlike spontaneity, «elastic» her face and the ability to transform into any image made her a favorite of photographers. Karanji soared to the peak of popularity. One day, a famous photographer invited the girl to take some nude pictures. Photos became revolutionary for those times. Karanji was sensual and liberated. Subsequently, she appeared in several magazines, including the covers of French, British, American Vogue; and two Cosmopolitan covers. On one of the covers for "Cosmopolitan" she was in a yellow bathing suit. That picture was called the best of his career. Then she was only 19 years old.

Gia, due to her popularity and obstinate nature, began to take her work very lightly. She could cancel the photo shoot because of what she thought was a bad haircut, throw a temper tantrum, be late, or simply walk away from the photo shoot. However, because of her charismatic appearance, photographers were ready to endure everything.

Soon she became addicted to drugs and this was reflected in her behavior. During photography, she was inadequate: she could fall asleep or have an unmotivated tantrum. It got to the point that she took heroin right in the studio. Subsequently, Karanji decided to leave the modeling business and put her life in order. In addition to drugs, loneliness gradually killed her. She did not develop relationships with friends, her mother and brother, at the request of moving to New York, refused and only occasionally visited her. Most of the time the model spent herself.

After a break and an attempt to recover from drug addiction, Gia returned to the modeling business, but she was no longer the same as before. She lost her magnetism, took up drugs again, and her career ended completely. Gia again tried to fight addiction, but all in vain - half a million dollars that she earned went to drugs. In 1986, Gia was admitted to the hospital - she was diagnosed with AIDS. The mother, having learned about the illness, tried to visit her daughter as much as possible. Almost no one knew where Gia had disappeared, and the lonely girl finally got what she had wanted for so long - care and attention. At the age of 26, Gia died, and the girl lacked only the attention of her relatives...