For the rich and famous - Hermes Birkin bag
No true woman can imagine herself without a handbag, which is vital for storing various everyday little things. Of course, first of all, it is a stylish accessory that can easily emphasize and complement absolutely any look, either evening or sporty. Over the years, the popularity and prestige of women's bags has grown rapidly, and now women are not afraid to spend fortunes on this fashion accessory.

Products from world famous brands are often made from very expensive materials, such as crocodile skin, python, ostrich, calf, they can be decorated with diamonds, emeralds or other precious stones, and this can greatly affect their value. If your budget is unlimited and you want to buy a status item that will emphasize your taste, of course, choose the Hermes Birkin women's bag. Without a doubt, this bag will become the pride of its owner.

The price of the bag depends on the number of copies that have seen the world, because these bags – this is, first of all, an exclusive, and the fewer of them, the naturally, the price per unit is more expensive. It is a well-known fact that Hermès bags, and especially the legendary, timelessly fashionable models Kelly and Birkin, – the most desirable accessory imaginable. Hermes Birkin bags are mostly made from natural calfskin and exotic leather, and it's handmade!

From the first days, as a fashionable bag saw the world, it quickly gained popularity, and for many years it has not lost its popularity. It will not be superfluous to note that Hermes – this is not the correct spelling, and even more so the pronunciation, because the sound of Hermes will be the only correct one. If you think that sounds too rude, you can pronounce it like Ermes, and that's what real French people say. The colors and sizes of these bags are completely different. The popularity of the Birkin bag can be explained by the fact that it is insanely expensive and almost elusive. To buy the original you will need in the range of 7 thousand dollars, the average price reaches 30 thousand.

But even if you do not regret it and are financially ready to pay that kind of money for it, it's not so simple! To begin with, you need to officially order it from the Hermes fashion house and wait for several years, since the list of customers is scheduled long in advance and can be up to five years. This is directly related to the fact that the workshop that makes Hermes Birkin bags is located in Paris, where only 5 bags are sewn a week.