English duffle coat

Modern fashionista can operate with so many variations of outerwear that you simply cannot count! And in all these newfangled names and atypical styles sometimes it can be difficult to figure it out and make a choice in favor of one thing. Especially when models that previously were exclusively the prerogative of the male fashion direction, for example, English a coat called «duffle coat».

What is a duffle coat and what are its features?

Unusual, a little mysterious and unusual for us the word "duffle coat" («duffle coat») translated from English means a coat («coat») made of dense woolen material («duffle») produced in the town of Duffel in northern Belgium. The product itself is a single-breasted coat with:

  • straight silhouette and knee-length;
  • a voluminous hood that can cover even a large hat and protect in the wind and cold;
  • side patch pockets;
  • an original clasp, the role of which is played by oblong large buttons walrus tusk    leather, suede or textile cord loops;
  • inner lining in plaid check.

Earlier, the duffle coat was primordially masculine, and women's models appeared recently and immediately won recognition among the fair sex due to their elegance and comfort of socks.


The English sailors of the 19th century did not even suspect that in the 20th century they would be considered a kind of "style icons"; – After all, the duffle coat was originally created in 1890 as a uniform for employees of the British Navy! At that time, it was not a fashionable coat style, but simple & nbsp; warm clothes that were not blown by sea winds, warmed well and fastened comfortably even with thick gloves.

The duffle coat became known among the civilian population due to its practicality and natural wool, due to which the clothes perfectly kept their shape, warmed well, kept warmth and did not create a greenhouse effect inside. And its shortened & nbsp; length did not constrain movements & nbsp; and was convenient for performing any manipulations. This is what allowed such a masculine and slightly rough-looking thing to penetrate the women's wardrobe and firmly gain a foothold there. 

After the First World War, fashion designers noticed the coat and for its tailoring, fabrics of various textures began to be used. It was cashmere,  and drape, and knitwear, and boucle, and quilted fabric, and much more. And buttons began to be used not only in a pointed shape, but also oval, rectangular, round. And it would seem that time is passing, the purpose of the coat model itself is changing and completely different fabrics are used, but the confidence that a women's duffle coat in winter can warm up no worse than the one from the 19th century still does not leave.

Women's duffle coat: who will suit?

The female variation of the duffle coat is different from the male variation, which has hardly changed since the First World War. To become part of the women's wardrobe, the duffle coat had to undergo some changes, especially in the cut. Now, although it looks somewhat massive, but in combination with dresses and maxi-length skirts, it can most advantageously emphasize the elegance and femininity of its owner. And the elements of male style will only add charm and a touch of brutality to the image.

Belonging to women's fashion has also become possible thanks to the variety of colors of duffle coats for women. There is universal black, and classic beige, and passionate red, and cheerful yellow – in a word, almost the entire palette of colors! But since the style of the model itself is very expressive and original, it is in bright colors such a model is not particularly necessary, because it requires some responsibility, and you need to walk in such a coat with confidence and not look back.

The most interesting thing in duffle coat – is that it is so simple that it will suit absolutely everyone and everyone: both tall, and short, and thin, and plump, and fans impeccable preppy, and lovers severe military, and those whose faces are already dotted wrinkles, and hair covered with gray, and even for those who have only recently learned to walk & nbsp; and do not understand fashion at all.

In a word, the English duffle coat – is the best solution for creating a versatile and most practical wardrobe, and it is not going to give up its place on the fashionable Olympus  On the contrary, it appears before us in a greater variation of models and wins more and more hearts. And here it's not just about style, but about its practicality, convenience and versatility. That's for sure – the classic never gets old!
