Antitrend. About what is no longer fashionable
We often hear the word "trend", it means everything fashionable, stylish, relevant in a particular period of time. The fact that the trend has been discussed hundreds of times, and it seems that every schoolgirl can tell you what to wear from spring to autumn. But the question of what is not in the trend, we somehow bypassed. But in vain! It's not as important to buy trendy one-season items as it is to know what to hide for a couple of seasons. You can talk about this for a long time, remembering chiffon dresses with an asymmetrical front neckline, tulip skirts and sneakers with soles, but I would like to tell you about what we put emphasis on in the image - about accessories. You will probably be surprised, but no one wears a bag and shoes in the same color anymore!

Forget it. Different color, texture and even style, that's what we need this year! You can also forget about paired jewelry for a long time. Previously, it was simply necessary to wear earrings, a pendant and a bracelet in the same style, but this is in the past.

Long live one accent in jewelry! And finally, I must disappoint you, girls, headbands made of artificial flowers, beads and spikes have not been in trend for a long time. Leave voluminous hoops at home, naturalness is always in trend!