The Garne brand held a shopping day for women entrepreneurs of the Goshchansky Society

On September 16, the women's clothing brand Garne held a shopping day for women entrepreneurs of the Goshchansky Society.

The event took place in the Garne offline store in the city of Rivne.

As you know, all women love shopping, but often they do not have enough time for themselves. Most of them have businesses, jobs, volunteering, and hobbies. Therefore, the Garne team created a special event where women could feel even more beautiful and confident.

The event began with acquaintance and communication. We talked about Garne brand values, trends, colors, recycling and much more.

After this, all the women were able to try on Garne clothes. They were helped by the brand's stylist, who suggested clothes that emphasized their beauty and individuality.

This event was an excellent opportunity for women entrepreneurs of the Goshchansky Society to get acquainted with the Garne brand and purchase quality clothing from the Ukrainian manufacturer.
