Trench coat - an indispensable thing for autumn
With the word "autumn" everyone has the same associations: dullness, cold, the end of holidays and warmth, rain ... You can’t argue that autumn prepares us for much less warm days than summer, but still don’t despair! There are some good things about this wonderful time of the year. Yes, you will have to dress warmer, but this will not be displayed in any way on your style. In the cold season, cute and stylish things are enough. For example, a trench coat. What is it you ask? Everything is pretty simple trench coat or trench coat – this is a model of a double-breasted military-style raincoat, they are mainly sewn from waterproof fabric.

Wear such raincoats and women and men. You will never confuse a trench coat with something else if you remember that it has some attributes that clearly define its style: shoulder straps, cuffs with buttons, a turn-down collar (usually wide enough), a belt, a yoke on the shoulders and a slit in the back. The trench coat, fashionable today, is sewn on a lining. Basically, this lining is a rather bright color or with a special checkered pattern, and often this is the corporate identity of the thing or the brand as a whole.

Trench coats can easily be found in the collections of many famous fashion houses, with the advent of autumn they are even more popular. A trench coat is worn not only when it rains, it is quite acceptable both during the day and in the evening, suitable for business style and as comfortable and practical travel clothing. With a trench coat, you can successfully combine almost all the shoes from your wardrobe! Flat shoes are also suitable, and classic stilettos will look quite stylish with him.

In a rainy autumn or a cool spring, a trench coat is an indispensable thing, it is not in vain that they say that this is one of the "basic" clothes. things in the women's wardrobe. Sneakers or shoes, trousers or a pencil skirt, — everything is appropriate and well combined with it.