Moon rovers - practical shoes for the winter

If you look at the pages of the calendar, you can safely say that snowdrifts and frost tickling your cheeks are just around the corner. And that means it's time to think about fashionable winter outfits. Women during this period can be divided into two categories: those who flaunt with might and main in nylon pantyhose and short fur coats and those who wrap themselves up like snowmen , in all the warm things that can only be found at home. For the second category, shoes such as moon rovers will be a great find.

Moon Boots  - this is an ideal option for a cold winter, because in such boots any frosts are not terrible. Based on the name itself, it is not difficult to guess that these shoes are associated with astronauts, or rather - & nbsp; part of the uniform of American astronauts. Such a fashionable find could not pass by the Italian designer Giancarlo Zanatto, who was inspired by everything related to space. Thus, shortly after the landing of the first man on the moon, in 1970, the Italian officially registered the Moon Boots brand and released the first moon rover boots.

At first, the novelty was criticized - the rough and standard design was far from the refined ideals of women's shoes. But soon everyone appreciated the practicality and convenience of moon rovers. Their highlight is that the right and left boots are the same. Their inner layer is made in such a way that it independently takes the shape of a person's leg. The upper part protects from the wind and retains heat well, but such shoes are not suitable for rainy weather.

Now moon rovers are shoes for the mountains, but you can wear them in everyday life. It is combined, best of all, with sports, Scandinavian styles or casual. Lunar rovers are not suitable for glamorous ladies, because a dress or skirt complete with such boots look extremely ridiculous. The shape of the shoes is also not the most elegant. They can be put in a row with another, the same “ugly” shoes, like dutiks or uggs. Despite the quirkiness of the boots, they are popular among celebrities and ordinary street dandies, but this winter, lunar rovers portend a real peak of popularity!
