How to dress cheaply but stylishly

Do you want to dress in style? Conquer men and surprise colleagues with fashionable outfits? Well, it doesn't take as much money as you might think. There are many budget ways to dress like from the catwalk. 

The first thing to have is good taste, then everything else will follow. Follow fashion trends, view fashion photography, fashion shows from fashion weeks. Many things from the past are coming back into fashion. A vivid example of this is leggings, jackets with shoulder pads, boyfriend coats, retro midi length dresses and much more. Don't throw away old clothes. In a few years, it may come in handy. This will save you a lot of money. 

Buy basic items that can be paired with many other items. After all, when buying a little black dress, you can’t even imagine how different you can beat it: with boots and a leather jacket for a date, shoes and a blazer for a holiday, with slip-ons and a vest for a walk. You can make many looks from one wardrobe item. 

If you want to wear branded clothes but can't afford it, check out the stock stores. What do these stores mean? In literal translation, stock means "remnants". These are new clothes of large manufacturing companies that get rid of old collections or defective goods (lack of a tag, for example). It is profitable for such companies to "dump" leftovers in stock, because clothes from past seasons occupy the sales area and need to get rid of it. In stock stores, you can even find clothes from fashion houses Armani, Versace, Dolce Gabbana and so on. Such well-known brands most often completely tear off their tags so as not to spoil the company's reputation. In stocks you can find a lot of stylish things at affordable prices. 

Track discounts in stores. Sometimes a thing can be bought for half the original cost. Sales in stores, as a rule, begin at the end of the season and in the pre-New Year period. But be careful - promotional clothing may be defective or with a re-glued tag, or it will not be your size at all. But it is at the sale that you can buy that blouse that you have long dreamed of, but could not afford, and exactly those jeans that you looked at all the time, but the price was prohibitively high.

Author: Inna Bandylyuk
